Expected Impact
Reinforcement of EU leadership within GEO in the framework of its Strategic Plan (2016-2025);
Coordination and where possible integration of major European and Worldwide research and existing monitoring networks on mercury observation as a contribution to GEOSS and Copernicus;
Maximisation of value and benefits of EO investments through the improvement of shared architectural components and related information infrastructure as well as the fostering of open and unrestricted data sharing;
Development of sustainable and interoperable observational, modelling, data assimilation and prediction systems;
Fostering a wider exploitation and use of EO derived information on persistent pollutants for the benefit of citizen´s daily life (i.e., air quality, marine ecosystems, health) and support for the achievement of key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda;
Support an effective implementation of Conventions;
Promote collaboration between various POPs monitoring programs in the EU in particular national programs contributing to EMEP, GAW and the Stockholm Convention.